Butlerville Days

As a church, we have the opportunity to participate in the Butlerville Days, which is the community gathering event of Cottonwood Heights, during the week of July 19-24. We have two primary opportunities to serve and are promoting one opportunity to gather together as a church during the festivities.
Serving Opportunities:
1) Volunteer at Parade (10 am - 1 pm) - distribute water prior to the parade and trail the end of the parade with garbage bags to collect/pick-up trash. We also have a need for people to bring or share any wagons or mini-trailers that can be pulled along to distribute water prior to the parade. We'll meet at the Mylar's office at 10:00 am (2494 Bengal Blvd, Salt Lake City, UT 84121).There will be more details to come later next week for those who sign-up, indicating they are able to help.
2) Sunday AM Event Clean-Up (8-10 am) - meet at the Cottonwood Rec Center to help clean-up after the week of festivities. Coffee and bagels will be provided for those able to help.
You can sign-up to serve in multiple ways through the link below:
Sign-up Genius Link (Click Here)
Church Fellowship at Butlerville Days:
Saturday Evening (5-10 pm) - In addition to this, we want to invite the congregation to attend the festivities on Saturday evening which includes food vendors, inflatables, stage entertainment and ends with a fireworks show at 10:00 pm. No sign-up needed, come and find us gathering together at the park!

If you have any questions please reach out to Mandy Begg (mandybegg@yahoo.com) or Bryant Strain (bryant@slcevfree.org).

You can see more information about Butlerville Days HERE