Our Vision
A gospel-centered community that finds its joy in Jesus.
Created and sustained by the gospel, we aspire to be a church family marked by the joy we take in Jesus and what He has done for us.
We strive to be a community that is united around the redeeming work of Jesus Christ and this is demonstrated through our conduct as we live out His love for us towards others. We rejoice in how the gospel works in our midst as we share life together. This causes our community to be characterized by faith, love, and joy as we do the work to which He has called and equipped us.
Our Mission
To develop disciples to be stewards of the gospel.
By the grace of God, we labor for His purposes and His glory.
The gospel is a message given to us by God in His Word about what He has done to save us in Christ. We seek to steward the gospel - to know it, to live it out, and to share it with others - developing Christ-centered disciples who are equipped to bear gospel-witness to the communities that God has called them.
Three Pillars
Gospel-Centered Growth
The Gospel grows us as we come to know God through his Word
Gospel-Centered Living
The gospel is fuel for life, calling us to community and worship
Gospel-Centered Mission
In the gospel, God moves towards us, so we move towards others in love
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