"Life Together as a Gospel-Centered Community"
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Vision for Life Groups: Where we intentionally pursue being a gospel-centered community that lives life together in order to love and build one another up to maturity.
Life Groups are formed and exist with a variety of purposes in mind, but the end goal is to intentionally pursue life together as a gospel-centered community that finds its joy in Jesus. Because each of these groups have a different focus, it is expected and reasonable that many will be involved in multiple groups.
4 Approaches to Life Groups:
- Geographic Group: focus on connecting and building intergenerational relationships in a certain area of the Salt Lake Valley (name of group is defined by a geographic location, i.e. Sandy Life Group)
- Social Group: focus on being together through meals, social activities, or outreach
- Study Group: focus on gathering to study and apply biblical, theological, or ministry-related content
- Discipleship Group: focus that seeks to combine social, study and outreach elements and meets together on a regular basis (name of group will often have the last name of its leader(s), i.e. Jones Life Group)
Our hope is that as a church and individual believers that we are balanced in our pursuit of Gospel-Centered Growth, Living and Mission. Yet, we also acknowledge the reality that many of us come from different backgrounds and have different felt needs. Our hope is that Life Groups can faciliate the church living life together in the complexity of a fast-paced, spread-out, and displaced challenges of the modern world.