LTC's exist to help develop each of us as we steward the gospel and are equipped for the work of ministry.  LTC's supplement the expository preaching we enjoy together by providing another angle at content topics that may not get much direct in-depth attention in our worship service.   


When:  Sundays, 9 am

Who:  LTC's are available for adults, youth & kids

Adult Classes include:

THE PLEASURES OF GOD:  The Pleasures of God is a course that considers the worth and excellency of God and its aim is to expand a person's vision of God so that they might come to share in the very joys of God Himself.  We will carefully examine the biblical text, thoughtfully interact with John Piper's book, The Pleasures of God, and think through certain aspects of the doctrine of God.  Taught by James LeGore & Bryant Strain.  Meets in the Library.

HOLY SEXUALITY: Introduction to a Discipleship Video Series  This class will help you take a sharp and focused look at what God says about sexuality through His Word, and the hope is that God will be faithful to grow fruit from these seeds you're planting with your children.  See video series overview here: The Holy Sexuality Project.  Facilitated by Andrew & Rachel Strang.  Meets in Room 206.



Youth & Children's Classes include:

Youth - Can I Really Trust the Bible?   The class is available to any 6th - 12th grade students who desire to grow in their ability to study God's Word well and apply it to all areas of the Christian life.  Taught by Aaron Watson & Jennifer Blackstone.  Meets in the Music Room.

2nd thru 5th Grades - Fight the Good Fight, a study for children on persevering in faith.  Taught by Wayne & Rob Dahl, Trent Hawes & Brady Snyder.  Meets in Room 101.

3 year olds thru 1st Grade - The Old Testament published by Gospel Light.  Taught by Yolonda Poret.  Meets in Room 102.


Nursery available for children under 3 years old.