Get Yourself Connected
Not feeling connected here at EFree? I want to offer you a reason that might surprise you. But first, let me review how we shape our church life:
First, the Sunday Worship Celebration. I will assume that you come at least twice a month, and that this is not a problem for you. But we also consider the 9 am Life Training Classes a part of Sunday, and an important part - they are the primary point of uninterrupted, direct, Bible-to-life instruction in the life of our church. I will come back to this.
Second, Community Groups. Here we gather geographically, and here we are exposed to those different from us, and newcomers are exposed to our church family. Community Groups are primarily about exposure and awareness of others that are also in this body.
Third, Discipleship Groups. These are not primarily about Bible study. They are small groups, yes, that share life, God, and the mission. They are the shoe leather for everything else. And they are the most organic of our ministries. While we do advertise and organize some groups, Discipleship Groups are an “open market” ministry. Go and find others, and join with them to do those three things: share life, share your God, and share the mission.
But, you say, I’m not connected to other people. Or, I would like help with parenting, or to help younger ones with parenting, for instance, but I don’t know any older or younger people. Yes, I come on Sunday, but I’m still not connecting.
I would guess two things are missing for this person: you’re not really engaged in a Community Group, and/or you don’t attend a Life Training Class. And of those two, I think the biggest missing piece is, surprisingly, not the Community Group connection, but non-attendance in Life Training. Life Training Classes are actually a vital piece of community, because there we learn together, and hear how others think and wrestle with theology and life, and as we hear others, we come to know them better and perhaps trust them - we find allies in the fight for faith, and life. They are a source of connection - not a contrived, superficial connection, but connection in Christ, in our joint need of grace.
Take this quarter’s parenting class. In attendance are a handful of older folks. Are these folks the very people some some younger folks need to grow further in wisdom, parenting and life? This class may be the God-ordained context in which to find out.
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