Friends Approved 2In Ephesians 4 Paul describes how the body of Christ (the church) is built up. He (Christ) gives gifts to the church, especially shepherds and teachers (v. 11). They in turn equip the saints for the work of ministry (v. 12). The work of ministry largely revolves around speaking the truth in love (v. 15). So the goal of men's ministry must be to equip the men, to enable them to do the work of ministry in their marriages, in their families, in their community groups, in their friendships, and in their work.

This equipping happens in both formal and more informal contexts:

Discipleship Groups: These are smaller groups that generally meet weekly and are where we seek to attend to each other's souls with the truth in love. Discipleship Groups are an important piece of our ministry to and through men. To learn more: 1) simply talk with an elder or pastor; or 2) view the list of highlighted groups on the above web page.

Boot Camps: We take a Friday night and Saturday morning, hear teaching on how we change and we can be used by God to change others, play some ping-pong and basketball, and enjoy good food and company. Boot camps are held once a quarter.

Retreats: Once a year we get away to the mountains to spend time around the Word and enjoy the outdoors together. Retreats are great way to get to know other guys at EFree.

Prayer Breakfast: Men gather on the first Saturday of each month at 7:30 am to catch up with each other over a delicious breakfast and pray together. This happens in the conference room, on the left side of the entry hallway of the church.